I’m excited to bring you a book that I have lived. What I mean by that is that my father wrote this book about a passion of his – the founding principles of the United States and the freedoms they give us. And as I’ve been around for most of my dad’s journey, I can say that I’ve lived it.
What struck me as amazing was that much of what he talks about is similar to what I write and teach. For example, he emphasizes the importance of individuals taking responsibility for themselves including their reactions to events that happen to them.
The book has two parts. The first is about the founding of The Jack Miller Center for Teaching America’s Founding Principles and History. The focus is on the importance of teaching the founding principles to university professors and high school history teachers so that they can then turn around and teach their students. Miller (my dad) has spent millions of dollars creating the Jack Miller Center and its programs to ensure that our liberties survive and endure.
The second part of the book is about Miller’s life and how a “quite ordinary guy who, as a result of a strong focus and a lot of hard work, was able to realize the American dream because he was free to do so without excessive government interference.” He uses his story simply as representative of what is possible in a free-market economy.
I’m even mentioned in the book a few times. Very cool.
Golden Nugget: “It can’t be done” was the predominant feeling referring to teaching the founding principles in universities. (p. 65) But then, “…as we kept asking questions and probing the situation, we soon had the walls of the room filled with big poster-sized sheets of paper full of ideas and roadblocks. It is from those ideas and comments that we began to develop a strategy.” (p. 45)
This sounds a lot like: What else is possible? And How does it get better than that?