Judith Joy

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Uncovering the Beginning

A seed buried and forgotten often grows and multiples. Our past experiences and feelings are the same. Something happens, we brush it off, and then forget about it. However, it continues to grow. If we have a chance to dig up the seeds, then they won’t continue to expand.

Many times, I thought that I’d gotten to the root of my headaches. Another layer was uncovered today. While I hadn’t forgotten the incident, I’d never put it together with my headaches.

You see, I’ve been going to Cara (at the Bridging Institute in Northfield, IL) since last year. She does amazing energy/body work and we have untwisted various things in my body. Last week, it was the scoliosis. Interestingly, it was coming from my left leg length. Once she untwisted the scrunched-up energy, my shoulders could be straight. Amazing!

Then there was a week of headaches as my body got used to this new position. And it was totally worth it. Today, while she was realigning my left leg again, I had the thought that I knew where all this came from (or at least this part of it).

It originated when I was 18 and a gymnast. I’d had a fall and hurt my neck, followed by a doctor’s prescription for muscle relaxers. I’d done a lot of work around the neck injury and thought that it was the source of many of the headaches. But there was more to uncover.

Unfortunately, the doctor who gave me the muscle relaxers didn’t tell me not to work out, so I did. Then I got injured while on the uneven bars. I smashed my left leg. (Looking back, I knew better. I just wanted to work out.)

Shake it off. Right? That’s what I did. It never occurred to me that what the energy did was push everything to the right when I hit my leg on the left. It was a hard hit, and I still have an indentation on my thigh from it all these years later. The energy got shoved off kilter and was never corrected.

Once we uncovered the beginning of this pattern, I had waves of sadness, distrust, and more rise up and pour out. Just touching the memory of the original “accident” helped to move it through.

So, what does this mean for you? If something seems stuck, play detective and ask questions. Don’t stop at the logical (as I did with the neck injury). Keep being curious. The answers will pop up. Maybe not all right away, but in layers you will uncover the beginning.

Uncovering the Beginning

Ask questions:

  • When did this begin?

  • Where is it coming from?

  • What happened right before that?

  • What emotions are you feeling as you reconnect with the experience?

  • What story are those feelings telling you?

  • What if they aren’t true? What else could it be?


  • Honor the feelings and feel them.

  • Allow them to move through.


  • It’s your choice if you hold onto the feelings or let them go. However, if you don’t let them go, you will keep the experience in place and keep feeling them over and over.

  • To make the choice to let go of the emotions attached to the experience, simply choose it. (This allows you to have the data from the experience without having the emotions that are holding you in place. It simply becomes an interesting experience.)

  • Have a conversation with yourself and make the choice to let go of the feelings.. Say things like, “Clear. Delete. Invert.” Or “I release and let you go forever and ever. That feeling no longer serves me. I choose to feel great. So be it.” This will need to be done multiple times.

  • Breathe slowly as the feelings move through.


  • Imagine what feeling great feels like.

  • What body sensations do you experience when you feel great?

  • Keep your focus on these body sensations and keep feeling them (even if it’s just in your imagination).

Very often, once you touch on the beginning experience, the rest happens very quickly. Remember, just because you have a feeling doesn’t mean that you have to hold onto it forever. You can give your feelings permission to move through.

Things are uncovered in layers. Be patient with yourself. I’m glad that I was guided to see Cara for pain in my right hip that wasn’t clearing with just energy, and this led to uncovering the beginning of when my energy was shoved off center. Now that my energy is centered again, I'm excited to see how much more wonderful my life will be as it unfolds.