Judith Joy

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The Power Within

The power is in the relaxing. No, I don’t mean sitting in front of the TV and drinking a beer. The relaxing I’m talking about is the stillness within. An athlete calls it being in the zone…that point when everything just works and thought isn’t required. In fact, it’s almost as if he becomes the observer.

This happened to me when I was a gymnast in high school. Out of the blue, or so it seemed, I hit that still point. Luckily it was during a meet. Each routine seemed to float, and my mind was quiet as my body did each movement better and more fully than ever before. I still remember it all these decades later. It made that much of an impression on me.

And I still remember when my busy mind jumped in. It was the last routine – floor exercise. The routine was the best I’d ever done. Then my thoughts started. “I’m doing it. I’m doing it.” I could feel the excitement take over as I stepped out of the zone. And then I stubbed my toe on the last move.

I knew instinctively that it was the busy mind that caused me to step out of the zone and flub it.

The power was in the stillness, the relaxing. When the routines worked, I wasn’t. Sure, my body was still moving and doing things, and at the same time, my mind was still. It wasn’t effort. That is how the power is in the relaxing.

This works in everyday life, not just for the athlete. Imagine tapping into the stillness before you have a conversation, when you are writing a letter, or even when you are planning your day. The stillness is the power that allows you to relax and connect with the greater wisdom of the Universe.

Practice Your Power

Find your relaxation point – the stillness within – by taking time each day to practice it. Set aside 5 minutes, 20 minutes, an hour. Whatever works for you. It can even be multiple times throughout the day. The idea is to practice the feeling and place your focus on it. After all, what you focus on is what you get.

This can be done while sitting, lying down, standing or moving. The object is to be able to find the stillness within yourself no matter what you are doing.

  1. Slowly say: Relax, 2, 3, 4. Then repeat.

  2. It’s that simple.

  3. Pay attention to your body and what it feels like as you relax. For me, it feels as if any tension is melting and leaving my body.

  4. You can even add a rule or phrase after the counting. Pick something that you are integrating into your mind and reminding you of your power. Some of my clients have chosen, “The Universe has my back.” Others have selected, “Everything works in my favor.” Whatever you choose to say, the idea is that it helps you relax even more and gives you the feeling that everything is okay.

This is from my archives.

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