Judith Joy

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Manifesting from Peace for Ease

You getting upset doesn’t help the situation move along. In fact, your getting upset lowers your vibration and answers appear further away.  Your personal vibration (how you feel on the inside) plus your intention will lead you in the direction you can go.  If you have a high vibration, then answers and solutions seem to pop right in.

Manifestations can happen quickly and with ease once you get out of your own way. I’d heard about instant manifestations without a lot of effort and believed it was possible.  However, until it actually started happening “out of the blue,” I didn’t realize that I’d been believing (sort of) and not full heartedly. My half-hearted belief and a not so clear intention had been me getting in my own way.

Let me explain.  During a recent deep dive (lots of clearing and releasing in a short period of time), I was clearing about doing things with ease and manifesting from nothing.  I’d read about it recently and thought it sounded like fun.  “Let’s give it a try,” I thought as I set the intention for the deep dive.

Then “out of the blue” people started responding to my casual comments, and friendships were started.  Making new friends had been something I’d released on in the past. And it started happening with ease during this deep dive.

In addition, I briefly thought, “I’d like to do more deep dives, but I don’t want strangers sleeping in my home.”  After some releasing and clearing, a friend texted and said he’d be in the area of our snowbird location and would like to come for a few days.  As it turned out, he was going through some drama trauma and we did an impromptu deep dive.  This was progress on this desire for more deep dives.

So, let’s move forward and look at the world around us.  If things can happen with ease, what is it that you would like to happen?  When those things do happen, what body sensations will you have?  What do you want to hear?  (Reminder:  use positive language.  Using the word “not” gives more power to what you don’t want.)

By focusing on the outcome, you will have a direction.  By focusing on the feeling you will have with the outcome, you will be able to start being that feeling now.  By focusing on what you would like to hear, you are placing yourself in the energy of receiving.

Let’s take the intention of wanting peace.  If you are stirred up and agitated (as many are about what is going on in Ukraine), you are not in peace and your personal power shrinks.  In short, you become less effective. 

Take the time to feel the peace.  The more you do this, the more you will be led to the actions that will make a difference.  The clue is to feel the feeling and THEN take the action.

How to step into the space of possibilities:

  1. Set your intention.

  2. Feel your inner peace.  Meditation is great for this.

  3. As your mind drifts, refocus on the feeling of peace.

  4. Clear any feelings that don’t match the peace.  This can be done in a number of ways.  One of the easiest is to imagine the feeling as a dark shadow and then imagine it dissipating until the area is clear.  Replace the shadow with a color that represents love or peace.

  5. Repeat the above.

  6. Imagine the possibilities.  Ask your body, “Which possibility will lead to the desired intention?”

  7. Then do that.

You may be led to help a specific organization or do a certain action.  It is up to you if you choose to do that.  It is easy to get overwhelmed and shut down from everything that is happening.  If you are overwhelmed, do the above and step into the space of possibilities again. 

Your feelings, intentions and actions are up to you.  By beginning with peace, you are inviting ease into the process. Things can happen instantaneously if you allow them to do so. 

For more tips and techniques, watch my micro-mini workshops below.

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