Judith Joy

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Manifesting from Ideals

I got an interesting article in the mail today that got me thinking. The article was about why we celebrate July 4th as Independence Day. After all, that wasn’t the day we won the Revolutionary War. It was, however, the day that a group of men set forth the ideals of what was possible.

They had a dream and then set things in motion to fulfill that dream. This is what I’m teaching - dreaming about what is possible and then stepping into the space of making it a reality so that it can be created.

Does everything always work the way you envision it? No. And just as the men who wrote the Declaration of Independence set forth the ideals for a new country, it didn’t go quite as planned. Over the years, there have been left turns, right turns, and times when people were spinning in place. It hasn’t been a smooth line. However, the ideals still stand, and we keep course correcting to work toward them.

So, let’s live up to the ideals of the country. If all men are created equal, let’s live up the ideals that they are. We do not have to live up to the reality of what is. Focus on where you would like to be and then start living that reality.

Start living the reality where all men are created equal. And by men, I mean all human beings. I don’t know if the founding fathers were just used to writing in the masculine or if they thought they were including women or if they really just thought men. Along the way, we have course corrected.

From the place of the ideals, how can you help your fellow human beings? What would it take for you to treat yourself as if you matter?

There’s a thought.

Since everything comes from the thoughts and feelings you are holding inside of you, and whatever you are feeling inside is what you are projecting outward, start by treating yourself as you would like others to treat you. As if you matter. Start with what matters. You matter.

It’s up to you to live up to the ideals. If everyone could treat themselves as if they matter, we will have a world filled with people who feel seen and heard (at least by themselves). And this would radiate out to fulfill the ideals of what is possible. From this space, we can each create the dreams and desires that fulfill us. It begins with knowing that you matter.

Start there. That is basically what everyone wants. To know that they matter. Every dream can become a possibility from there.