Judith Joy

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Manifest with Your Words

“I wonder what hardships will happen today.”  When I heard this, I knew the source of the woman’s tough times.  Her own words.  She was literally casting a spell on her life experiences.

Are you doing the same? 

Are you saying what you fear instead of what you truly desire?

Are you casting a spell that influences your life?

The answer to the last question is “YES.”  We are all casting spells based upon what we say and think.  If you say or think negative thoughts (especially the ones that are on repeat), then you are most likely having experiences to match those thoughts. If your words are uplifting, then chances are your life is too.

Some people call these spells rules. Others call them limiting beliefs or tribal beliefs.  It doesn’t matter what you call them.  Are they helping you or hindering you? The important thing is do you have a life that is working for you. Are you living the life you desire? 

Last summer, I got sick.  I’m usually high vibe and don’t get sick, so I wondered what it was that I was saying to open myself to this.  I just shook my head and laughed when I realized that I’d said multiple times, “I just want to be by myself. I want alone time.”  Well, I got it.  Not the way I expected or wanted, but I got it. 

New rule:  When I want to chill and be alone, I can take the time for myself.  It’s okay to say no to others. This rule works for me, and I have used it.  In fact, I used it last Sunday.  And after a few hours, I was able to reset myself (without getting sick).

What would it take to change your experiences?

Change what you are saying and thinking.  It is really that simple.

What isn’t always simple is recognizing what we are thinking and saying.  That’s where a book like Sacred Choices by Christel Nani comes in handy.  She goes in depth with many familiar phrases that people say.  I’m halfway through reading the book and just have to share it with you as it aligns with so much of what I believe and share.

It’s filled with stories that illustrate how what people say plays out in their lives.  Sacred Choices is a gold mine of valuable beliefs that people are living their lives by, and if they choose to change what they say and think, they could have even better lives.

How to Change What You Say and Think

  1. Notice what isn’t working for you.

  2. Ask yourself, “What am I saying that might create that?”

  3. Recognize the spell you cast upon yourself or the belief that you have agreed with.

  4. Don’t beat yourself up about it. It just is.  (I choose to laugh at my silliness that I chose to say or believe that.)

  5. Choose to say something else. Play with the words until what you say is true to your new way of being.

  6. Align yourself with that new saying.  This is when you find the energetic space in which you believe what you are saying.

  7. Say the new belief and let it go. 

  8. Be amazed at what shows up. (You can always tweak what you say and think if what shows up isn’t totally in alignment with what you desire.)

With all this in mind, when I woke up this morning, I said, “I wonder what will make me smile today.”  Immediately, a little smile formed.  Wow that was fast.

To change your life, change your own thoughts, beliefs, and what you say.  You don’t have to have a life that happens to you.  You have the power to have something greater.  You have the power to cast the spell that will positively influence your life.

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