Judith Joy

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Let Go of Complaining

The first step to changing the past is to stop complaining about it.  In fact, stop complaining, judging, moaning, and groaning all together.  What you focus on is what you get.  So, if you are focused on “let me tell you all the bad things that have been going on” the Universe is hearing that you want more bad things – and will give it to you.

Instead look for the gold.  Look for what is working in your life.  Look for what is right about what you formerly complained about.

What if you no longer complained?  Think about it.  Sounds great, right?  But is that true?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Complaining

There are advantages of complaining.  You can:

  • Feel a part of the group

  • Express yourself or vent

  • Get attention

  • Get your squeaky wheel greased

  • Get something done if you complain loud or long enough

  • Look for a solution

However, the more you talk about something the more you feed it.  If you are talking about all the great things in your life, then you are feeding that.  The same is true of your complaining, judging, moaning, and groaning.  When you complain over and over, you are feeding that low vibe feeling.

The more you complain, the more that feeling is being repeated in your life.  You can only live in the present moment.  So, if you had something happen (past moment) and then complain about it (in the present moment), you are in effect bringing the past into the present and thus ruining the present moment.

How to Stop Complaining

An easy tool to stop complaining is to say, “That’s interesting. I wonder how that’s going to work to my advantage.”  You are shifting your focus.

For example, what if you move into your new house and the traffic bothers you?  When you look at everything as interesting and start wondering how it will work to your advantage, you begin to see things to be grateful for.  You can even see things before they happen, such as my friends won’t have any trouble finding my new house.


I have a challenge for you.  See if you can go one day with zero complaints – not even an eye roll.  If that is too long, try one hour.  If it is doable, try one week or a month. 

It’s possible.  How long can you go without complaining? It’s your choice.

Well, let me tell you it feels horrible to complain.  And it’s low vibe.  If you’d like to have ease in your life, go high vibe.  And as an added bonus, high vibe wins.

It doesn’t matter if you are feeling gratitude, kindness, love, peace, or any other high vibe.  Because when you do your intuition opens up.  And when this happens, you get a knowing about things.  And when the knowingness feels solid, you live from that.  And then you won’t have anything to complain about.

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