Judith Joy

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HIGH VIBE HOLIDAYS: The Secret Ingredient


If you’ve been to one of my workshops or have been reading my blogs, you know what the secret ingredient is. Think about it. What would boost your holiday experiences? What would make this time of year even better? Have you guessed it yet?

If you are new to my writings (and if you are already familiar but can’t quite remember) the secret ingredient is High Vibe. The better you feel, the less you are bothered by what others are doing and saying.

Before we talk about feeling great, let’s touch on the low vibrations that are a result of us feeling down or low such as depression, anxiety, grief, anger, hopelessness, frightened, disappointment, etc. Besides actually feeling the low vibrations, look for the signs of stress such as: eating too much, clenching your jaw, being short tempered, feeling your stomach tighten and your shoulders up in your ears, vegging in front of the TV, or taking to your bed for a time out. Your body is talking to you.

Think of it in these terms. When you have a headache (of which I know a lot about) everyone and everything seem to bother you. When you feel good, things are great. What is happening here?

The headache is a stressor. It’s a nudge saying that you are out of alignment. It could be a physical misalignment OR it could be the Universe giving you a tap on the noggin saying something isn’t quite right. It is up to you how you choose to respond.

Personally, I like to listen to the whispers from the Universe (the small signs), but when I miss those, I get the headaches. And hopefully, I don’t miss those, because the knocking keeps getting louder and something else will happen if I’ve ignored the earlier warning signs.

The way I like to think of stress is that we are designed to have up to ten stresses at a time. (This number is totally made up. Just go with the analogy.) When we have one or two stresses we can handle them, and life is great. If we recognize this whisper, we can choose to act.

When we start to have more, such as six or seven stresses, things start to feel tight. The whispers were ignored. This is the knock on your noggin.

Then at some point there are over ten stresses. We are spilling over with stress and that is when we break down in some way, such as get sick, have an accident, or your relationship falls apart. This is the equivalent of the Universe hitting you with a board.


When we think of all the things we have to do (parties to attend, presents to buy, food to cook, and people to interact with and such), we can feel overwhelmed. This is the same feeling as when you are spilling over with 10 or more stresses. It’s just too much.

Combine this with everyone reverting back to their childhood behavior to their own stress.


You can choose something different. Begin by choosing to feel better. It really is that simple. Reach for better and respond accordingly. Ask yourself some questions:

  • “Am I willing to feel better than I do now?”

  • “Am I willing to feel even better than that?”

  • “Am I willing to experience the miracle of being high vibe?”

So, what are the High Vibes? Quite simply they are the feel-good sensations such as,

  • Not being bothered by what others are doing,

  • Accepting other people and situations as something interesting, but not something you have to react to,

  • Being love no matter what others are doing,

  • Forgiving people because it makes you feel better,

  • Feeling serene because that is what you choose to feel,

  • Blissing out and feeling at peace with everything.

It’s all about how you react to what others are doing or not doing. You get to make the choice of how you react and you can even choose how you would like to feel.


The first step above (choosing something different) is followed by an action. Below are three actions you can take to increase your vibration.

  1. Gratitude: Think of all the things you are grateful for and really feel the sensation. Expound on each thing until you are overflowing with gratitude. It is fine to say, “I’m grateful for the food.” However, it is much more powerful to say (and feel), “I’m grateful for the food that my wife/mother/husband/children/friend has prepared with so much love that I can literally taste the love, and the food is extra special because of all this love poured into it. This food will nourish our bodies with all the nutrients to help us be healthy, grow and prosper. I’m thankful for all the farmers and storekeepers that have devoted their lives to bring this delicious food to my table.” And so on.

  2. I Love You: This is something you can repeatedly say quietly to yourself. When others are having a hissy fit, you can say “I love you.” It will raise your vibration as well as remind you that you are reaching for the love feeling. As an added bonus, you will be able to withdraw from the drama that is happening around you as you are too busy feeling good.

  3. Dance Party: Get up and move. Pick some perky music and dance around. Or some type of other body movement such as exercise.

Keep a look out for more High Vibe actions that will help you feel even better.