Judith Joy

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Thanksgiving is over. Was the holiday everything you imagined? We are in the midst of the holiday season. The race is on or so it seems.

Could it be something even better? To help you, I have written a series of articles about High Vibe Holidays and how to get those high vibes. This is the first of four blogs. The first two blogs are long to lay the groundwork. And I promise the others will be shorter.



The holidays are here. We all want to feel something. The question is: “What do you want to feel?”

The family is around. There are presents to buy and cookies to bake. Meals to be planned. Cleaning to be done. People visiting. Parties to attend. And then after all that, entertaining and everything that entails. And all of this is on top of the “normal” things we do. It can be overwhelming.

This year try something new. Plan your feelings. Do you know that you don’t have to accept the stress? What you expect deep inside of you to happen does…unless you plan for something different.



The first step is to set the intention for the season, the party, your family interactions, and whatever you can imagine. Imagine how you would like things to be. Let go of how they were in the past. The past is past, unless you would like to bring it into the future.

People fall back into old patterns because that is what they know. They can’t imagine something different. But you can if you’re conscious about it. And what you think about comes about.

So, what is it you would like during this holiday season? I’m guessing here about you, but for myself, I’d like everyone to get along. I’d love to feel grateful for having my family around (versus dreading the interactions). I’d love everyone to be polite to each other. I’d love for people to help out. I’d like peace, laughter, and fun. On a second tier, I’d like the presents to be appreciated and the food to be delicious and hot or cold (when it’s supposed to be).

Just come up with a list of what you would like to have happen. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Just start with something like, “I’d love for….”



The next step is to look at the benefits to everyone involved if these things do happen. These are the benefits you can imagine. Make them wonderful. Everyone had just the right amount of food to feel fantastic. Your present to Uncle Joe was received with love and laughter. You felt grateful that he enjoyed it and you were able to provide something special for him. People had a good time. Everyone was grateful that they showed up. The people who would have thrown a cog in the whole thing, decided to find something else to do. They were happy and you are also. You end the season with a sense of “that was great.” Maybe you even are relaxed. Imagine that! The list can get very long when you look at the benefits for everyone involved.



Take a moment and ask yourself, “If all of these things happen, what will you feel?” Amazed? Surprised? Relaxed? Proud? Grateful?

These are all great words. But they don’t have any feeling to them. Remember in English class in high school when the teachers talked about “show don’t tell.” This is what they meant. The words (amazed, surprised, relaxed, proud, and grateful) are telling words. Actions and vivid descriptions you can actually imagine your body experiencing are the showing words, and they are much more impactful and memorable.

Take a moment and translate the words to the sensations you will experience in your body when all of your intentions become a reality. (The phrasing is as if it’s happening now or is already done. This will help you on the path to believing. It’s not out in the future. It’s already here. You just have to reach for it.)

Imagine what will actually happen in your body – what you will experience – when you have your intentions come true. You can take a deep breath. Your shoulders come down and your jaw relaxes. Laughter bubbles out of you. Warmth and love fill you up so much that the extra just pours out of you.

Now, be with the sensations and feel them. What does it actually feel like when your jaw relaxes? What does a deep breath feel like? What would it take to laugh right now? Is it a little chuckle or a great big guffaw? Whatever it is, practice it. Yes. Pretend you are already feeling the sensations and do them – even if it feels silly. Imagine your jaw tension is melting away like chocolate warming. Take ten to twenty slow deep breaths. Laugh, even if you aren’t feeling it. Pretend. And pretend with emphasis.

Now that you have told the Universe what it is you do desire, all you have to do is follow the signs that the Universe is laying out in front of you. The Universe is telling you which actions will lead you to your desires. It is up to you to do the actions.

NEXT: The Secret Ingredient.