Judith Joy

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Following Your Intuition

What do you do when you have a fork in the road in your life?

Do you ever follow other’s directions and then wish you hadn’t?

Where are the parts of your life where you assume that others know more, when, in fact, what you know is perfectly acceptable and usable?

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining.  I had a good audio book playing. And I was on my way to visit a school.

Did you know that if kids are reading at grade level by third grade, they will have more success in life?  This sounds like something I’d like to support. That being said, I was on my way to see what this school was doing with their reading program.  I’d heard great things.

I left in plenty of time and knew where I was going...approximately.  Just to be sure, I turned on my GPS.  There were two ways to go.  My instincts were leading me one direction.  The GPS nudged me toward another.  After three redirecting prompts, I chose to follow GPS.

And it led me to the correct address...in another town (even though I’d input the right town).  At least the drive was pretty and the book was good. I turned around and backtracked.  Again, the GPS led me to “the right” address.  Nothing was there. 

I laughed and asked the Universe, “What are you trying to tell me?”  I know that the Universe gives messages in any way possible.  Last week I got a message while reading a book.  Today it was the GPS.  Tomorrow?  Anything is possible.

I called the woman I was going to meet and eventually found the school.  The visit was successful. I was very impressed with what they are doing and will be supporting them.

After the visit, it hit me.  Stop listening to other “people” when I know where I’m going or what I’m doing.  Trust myself.

It may be time to look for the meaning behind things.  A great way to do that is to ask a question with a sense of wonder and then step back as your intuition whispers in your ear, your friend unknowingly answers your question, or a sentence in a book you are reading is exactly the message that will help you. 

If you don’t ask the question, the answer isn’t so obvious.  When you ask, you will get the answer.  Then, it’s up to you to do what you want with the message.  The choice is yours. 

Just be aware that if the Universe is trying to get a message to you and you don’t listen, the message will get louder and louder.  A nudge will become a shoulder bump, which will become a stumble and finally a 2 x 4 upside the head.  Personally, I prefer to pay attention at the nudge.  Again, the choice is yours.

Possible Questions 

  • I wonder, in what ways will this work to my advantage?

  • Hey Universe, what are you trying to tell me?

  • What do you already know, and are still waffling on instead of owning what you know? 

  • What would it take to trust yourself?

  • What would it take to trust your instincts?

  • What would it take to take that next step forward (according to your intuition)?

  • What is your intuition saying?

  • What are the messages that are ah-ha moments and you brush them aside?

Now, that I have the message, it’s time to pay attention to my life and discover where I could be listening and trusting myself more often.  I have more questions to ask.

By the way, the next time I’m driving and enjoying the day, I’m going to follow my own intuition – and thus, arrive on time. 

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