Judith Joy

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Follow the Energy. Trust Yourself. Believe in Yourself.

Sometimes, we don’t know why things happen until after.
Sometimes, we wouldn’t pick the path, and still the path picks us.
Sometimes, it just doesn’t make sense (according to others) and we still feel drawn to do it.
Sometimes, we scratch our heads and wonder how it turned out better than we ever imagined.

That is what following the energy is like. 

Let me explain.  My niece recently opened a bed and breakfast in Vermont.  It wasn’t as if she already lived there, or as if that was her ultimate goal.  No, she knew the type of life she wanted and how she would like to feel. She wants to live from her heart.

So, she started living that.  She went to school and studied creative writing, then went back to school to be a dietician.  Along the way she studied yoga and became an instructor, worked in restaurants, learned reiki, and was a house manager for a while. During this time, she and her dog also hiked the Appalachian trail for six months.  She didn’t see the whole picture of how these experiences would combine together in a way that made sense when she had started. Instead, she focused on following the energy to the next step.

Now that she owns a bed and breakfast/hiker hostel near the Appalachian trail, she is able to fuse her past experiences to offer a wonderful experience for her guests. She offers more than just food and a bed.  She offers Reiki, yoga, and more. And as an added bonus, she is living in Hartland.  Now, that’s living from the heart. (By the way, she also opened her heart to a loving husband and has two great children.)

Her whole journey to this point makes sense, better serves her guests, fulfills her desire to live from the heart, and is even better than she imagined. And she only was able to get to this place today because she followed the energy along the way.

How to follow the energy

While there isn’t a lot involved with following the energy, people aren’t trained in it.  They are trained in a linear fashion that doesn’t always happen the same way that the energy does. To follow the energy:

  • Trust yourself. Listen to your inner voice. Feel for the light, expansive feeling vs. the tight, heavy, constricted feeling. If your body is saying yes, you will feel light and expansive.  If your body is saying no, you will feel like you’ve been hit with a gut punch.

  • Believe in yourself. Do what your inner voice is guiding you to do. It doesn’t always make sense at the time.  Remember, life isn’t a straight line. We pick up experiences and knowledge along the way that will ultimately help us.

  • Look for what is golden. What is right about the situation?  What are you grateful for about the situation? 

  • Know what you would like to feel.  Take time to dream about what you would like to be, have, or do.  Then look beyond that and ask yourself, “By having that, what would I truly like to have?”

  • Keep your focus and feelings on what it is you would truly like to have. Keep asking questions and expand the energy until you feel settled with having that.  This doesn’t mean ignore any pitfalls.  For those, do your best to plan, and then shift your focus back to the feelings you desire and do things that give you those feelings.

  • Let go of other’s opinions. It’s okay to ask for other’s opinions and do research.  You are the one living your life and you get to make the choices in your life. I find that when other’s opinions are overly important is when I don’t actually know what my inner voice is saying or what I truly desire. You don’t need to defend what you are doing; when something is aligned and you just know it is the right next step, DO IT.

    When you find yourself leaning on what others say, take time to ask yourself, “What is it I truly would like to have by having...?”

Ultimately, it’s all about listening to yourself and making the choices.  You are the only one living your life.  Thus, your life is up to you.

And if you are looking for a really great experience in Vermont, check out Wise Pines in Hartland, VT (wisepines.com). My niece will be there with a yoga mat to greet you.

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