Judith Joy

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Faith Attitude

Got a problem?

Not sure what to do?

You have the answer “within” you and just don’t know it yet.  If you knew what to do, you’d do it.  Why not try something else?  To unlock this answer, ask the expert, the Universe.  Then have faith that the problem will be solved and begin listening for inspired action.

It’s the whole faith thing that many people get tripped up on.  They try to control and micromanage the outcome.  They try to force it by figuring out what to do. 

Faith doesn’t work like that.  You build faith by building your faith attitude (how you approach the situation).  Then when you have a problem, you’ll know who to turn to and what to do.

Last week, Shoshi (my daughter) and I went to an office building complex at the request of the owners.  Rentals had been down even before the pandemic and had gotten worse since.  We did an energetic clearing on one building and started another (and will continue with the others at a future date).  The intention was to clear any energy that is limiting the earnings for the buildings and the businesses within them.  In short, we cleared the way to making money.

Interestingly, one building didn’t want people moving in.  It was so hurt by whatever business was there before, that it felt it was better off without people. We helped it change its belief. (Yes, inanimate objects have feelings, beliefs, and memories.)

Upon waking the morning of the clearing, I meditated for an hour.  What I realized is that I let Shoshi take the lead (not a problem since she has done this more than I have) and she can run over me in the process (the problem and what I was expecting).

When I asked the Universe for guidance, I was told to write down “I choose to be treated with gentle respect.”  I did this and read it a few times until I had a solid knowing within me.  This new belief clicked into my gut.  Then I let it go.

Amazingly, she was great.  Even the building manager was wonderful.  We worked very well together as a team and have faith that things will improve for the buildings and businesses.  Shoshi and I worked together even better than we had in the past.  I had faith that the new belief would work, and it did.  The change began with me.

What is Faith? 

It’s a knowingness.  It’s trusting that the solution will appear.  It’s working in partnership with the Universe and letting the Universe bring you the answer.

If you knew the solution or answer, you’d already be doing it.  You’d already have access to it in your inner files.  However, you don’t know everything.  That’s when you go to the expert and ask for help.  This help begins when you accept that you have a partner, the Universe.  When you trust your partner to do the job, then you have faith that the job will be done.  You just know it.

How to Work with Your Partner

Begin by opening the conversation.  Talk.  Be curious.  Ask questions.  Be grateful. Pray.  Then, be quiet and listen (also known as quiet reflection).

When you do this, you will get an inkling of an idea that tickles your insides.  This is your first bread crumb.  Follow it.  Through a step-by-step process you will be led to a new idea that is even better than you ever imagined.  From there, you’ll know what to do. 

The Universe’s job is to select the best solution for you (based upon what you are telling yourself you believe).  Even the timing of the answer is up to the Universe.  The Universe’s job is to arrange the puzzle pieces so that things click together for you in alignment.

Your job is to ask, wait, have faith, and then implement the idea by following the inspired action. You are the doer.

How to Supercharge Your Faith Attitude

Your attitude is a huge part of what helps your faith to work.  Here are a few tips to help you improve your faith attitude.

  1. Stop judging.  This will raise your vibe and help you feel better.  Afterall, what you focus on is what you get.  If you focus on being judgmental, then you will get things to judge.  In other words, you’ll have more to complain about.

  2. Observe the good and look on the bright side.  Look for things to be grateful about and appreciate.  You are using your focus to bring more good into your life.  Hint, the more you feel the gratitude, the better this works. Feelings are more powerful than just observations.

  3. Expect something even better. Once you begin to be grateful, you come to expect that things will work even better than you imagined and in your favor, which only continues to strengthen your faith.  What you expect is what you draw toward you, thus you might as well expect something even better than you can imagine.  That way you aren’t limited by your own mind.  

  4. Accept.  Be willing to accept that others have different ideas. You can fight them or look at the ideas as interesting.  The choice is yours.  The former will lower your vibe and decrease your powers. The later will allow you to not be attached to the ideas of “rightness” or “wrongness.”  It just is.  There is so much freedom in this. And the Universe may be giving you guidance through someone else.

  5. Surrender and trust divine timing.  While the Universe is doing its job, you can let go of trying to micromanage and control every aspect of the venture.  Let go and know that when the Universe has something to give you, it will.  This may take five minutes, hours, days, or weeks.  It may even take longer.  Hint, the sooner you let go, the sooner you truly have faith that the Universe will do its job. Remember that the Universe not only brings you something better, but it does so in perfect timing. Trust it.

  6. Clean up your beliefs.  Look for what you believe, say, and think.  What you tell yourself and others is at the same time telling the Universe what you expect.  Be sure to share your true beliefs. By the way, you can change your beliefs, just as I did.  If something isn’t working for you, come up with a new, improved way to see things and align with them.

You can live the life you desire. It’s up to you to ask the Universe for help, have the faith that the solution is coming, improve your faith attitude, and listen when your partner drops in an idea.  Then it’s up to you to do what you are inspired to do.  The change begins with you.