Judith Joy

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Excitement and Peace Manifest from Within

During a lunch while in the Bahamas, my husband and I were eating at a beachside restaurant. Someone was smoking out of sight, but the wind shared it with us.  Energetically, I put out the cigarette and at the very least asked that I not be bothered by the smoke.  Clear intention.  Then I dropped into the space of peace and knew that it was done.

We started to sip our iced teas and noticed that people on the beach were agitated.  One man came running into the restaurant and people were turning to look.  Smoke.  We didn’t smell it, but we could see it coming from about 50 yards away.  Then I heard the crackles.  Boy, were they loud.  We could no longer hear the beach.  Not that we were looking at it anymore.

We got up from our table and followed the people who were hooking up garden hoses to wet the surrounding vegetation. Two hoses against a fire probably two stories high.  Luckily, there weren’t any other structures around.

I returned to the table and sat quietly, closed my eyes, and began doing energy.  My clear intentions were to keep the restaurant and everyone in it safe, to wrap the restaurant in cobalt blue (for protection), and to have God take away the oxygen from the fire.  I then dropped into the space of complete calm and peace as if I knew for certain that this would happen.  This sounds bizarre, but it worked.

Almost immediately, the crackles got quieter.  I could hear the ocean again.  A minute later, the fire truck showed up.  Great timing.

Oh, did I mention I was about 10 yards from the propane tank for the restaurant?

So, what happened?

An event began.  I didn’t panic.  I stayed calm and at peace (because I practice this state of being a lot).  I set clear intentions and then dropped into the energetic space where I knew the intentions would be done.  Then I let go and let the Universe do what it would.

Sure, I kept an eye on the fire, just in case we had to change plans, for example, if the wind changed directions.  Luckily, we didn’t.  Lunch was great.  We got to enjoy the restaurant and many of the patrons had left. 

What could you do?  Practice.

  1. Being in the space of peace.  Meditation is a great way to do this.  Also, staring at a candle is very effective.

  2. Setting clear intentions. State what it is you do want to happen.

  3. Dropping further into the space of peace.  Remember, you don’t want to get in the fear state.  Stay at peace.  It’s in the quiet of your mind that you will hear what the Universe has to say.

  4. Letting go and letting the Universe take over.  This is when you know that your intentions will happen.  The Universe will let you know if there is anything else for you to do.

  5. Listening to the Universe.  This is when you pick up the messages about what your next step is.

The more you practice this, the easier it is when you need to do it.  Especially, when others are panicking.

Overall, the lunch was great.  And I’m very grateful that the restaurant and all the people were protected.  And the woman smoking the cigarette disappeared.

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