Judith Joy

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Even Better... A Path to Manifesting

What if it was even better than you could ever imagine? 
What if it all started with your thoughts?
What if all you had to do was be open to the possibility?

This is possible. 

Remember the cartoon Dick Tracy, which debuted in 1931? Dick Tracy and his fellow police officers used a two-way wrist radio starting in 1946. The cartoonist imagined this possibility.  From there, the idea of the mobile phone was invented and today, people have phones on their wrists. 

If the original cartoonist hadn’t imagined something even better, then it’s possible that this initial idea might not have happened or started the ball rolling to what we know today.

We don’t all have to have magical ideas that change the world.  However, we can have magical ideas that change the moments of our lives.

The other day, I dropped an earring down the drain.  I immediately stopped the water and shoved a towel in the sink to remind me not to turn on the water and have the earring go into the sewer.  Since it was a Friday night, I waited to call the plumber the next morning. 

And this is how it went...I called and immediately started thinking “OH NO” thoughts.  You know the kind. “Oh no.  He’s only going to be able to come when I’m doing a session.  What will I do if that happens?”  “Oh no.  It’s going to cost more than the earring is worth.”  “Oh no...”

Then I gave myself a stern talking to.  Wait a minute.  I’ve been playing with something new.  I’d been saying, “That or something even better.  Thank you!”  I wondered if it would work.  And I started saying it over and over.  (All this happened during the 20 - 30 seconds the receptionist had put me on hold.) 

As it turned out, the something even better happened.  She said that he would be right over as he was sitting next to her.  Twenty minutes later I had the earring.  It hadn’t floated away.  He came at a convenient time.  The price was reasonable.  And he was very nice.

So, what happened?

While talking with my mentor, Dr. Ron Jahner, I spontaneously started thinking, “That or something even better.”  It became a chant in my head as I kept imagining a better and better outcome. I didn’t know exactly what that better was, only that it was better.  Then I started playing with it. I added, “thank you.”  We tried it on body parts.  We tried it with different situations.

An hour and a half later, we felt lighter and untangled. Time seemed to slip away, just like that feeling when something is so good that it happens very quickly.  It felt like there was more hope and possibility. This was way better than saying it only one time. 

I’d stumbled upon something.  And it worked.

I’d always heard that “something even better” or “better than you ever imagined” was the way to manifest by attaching it to any request you had.  However, by repeating it (and feeling as if I actually had it, thus the thank you for receiving it) more and more possibilities opened up.

It was the continual focus on the feeling of having just a bit better than what I already had.  The new better became the starting point for another even better and so on.  It is a state of perpetual acceptance.

I experimented with other forms of saying it.  It didn’t seem to matter if it was a statement or a question. What mattered was the feeling of accepting the better with gratitude and then doing it again and again.

How to do it...

  1. Say, “That or something even better. Thank you!” (You can play with the exact wording that works for you.)

  2. Imagine that you received that something even better and really feel the “thank you” as you accept whatever that better is. (You do not have to define it.  In fact, it will work even better if you don’t force it and you just wait for ideas to pop in.)

  3. Repeat. (The more you stay at it, the more ease you will invite into your life.)

It’s up to you what you choose to think and feel.  Just know that what you focus on is what you get.  Therefore, the more you focus on the feeling of receiving and accepting “something even better” and then being grateful for it, the more ease you will bring to your life.  This will create magical moments.  And a whole slew of magical moments creates a magical life.  And it all begins in your head.

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