Judith Joy

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Energy Meditation for Peace

When things aren’t going the way you would like, it’s time to step into the peace. Any time you have an agitation, this is your body telling you that you are out of alignment with peace. And since peace is where you are most powerful, it would benefit you to return there to “solve” your agitation.

This includes when things are going on in the world that you would like to be different. You can do something. You can touch the peace. It starts with a feeling inside of you and then builds, expands, and ripples out from there. You will have an idea pop in of how you can best help the situation. Or a possibility will present itself and it is up to you to see the opportunity and to act upon it.

Recently, I had an internal ding that I was to do an energy mediation. In this type of meditation, I follow the flow and release and clear as I go along. The purpose was to send calming energy to what was happening between Ukraine and Russia. This was my part in what I could do at this time. The following is what I was nudged to do (in case you would like to do something similar yourself).

  1. Music. I went to YouTube and looked for meditation music that I had used in the past. I couldn’t find it, but I was attracted to new music (Inner Lotus Music). I followed the internal ding of “yes, use this.”

  2. Intention. As I began, I thought of what I’d like to accomplish. Help bring peace to the Ukrainian – Russian conflict.

  3. Touch the Peace. I began imagining that I was swinging. At the top of the arch, when I was weightless and there was no resistance, I touched the peace, stayed there for a few moments, and then returned to the swinging. I did this somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes.

  4. Baby blanket. Next, I imagined that I was holding the world in a baby blanket. The swinging became me holding the baby (the world) in this blanket and gently rocking it until I felt the baby calm down.

  5. Hand balancing. This is when I take two points and rock back an forth between them (using my hands) until the energy feels neutral. The following are a few of the pairs that I neutralized. (See my video below for more on hand balancing.)

    • Russia – Ukraine

    • Putin – Ukraine

    • Putin – Alka-Seltzer (plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is)

  6. Ho'oponopono. I’ve been playing with this technique and since the idea popped in, I did a few rounds of it until I felt another level of peace. The idea of this is that we each add to a morphic field every time we participate in it. Recognize, acknowledge, and let it go so that your energy no longer adds to the morphic field.

    • Anytime, anywhere, that I have stepped into the morphic field of _____ (Fill in the blank with anything that feels like it might fit).

    • Ideas to fill in the blank with:

      • Being a bully

      • Cowering in fear

      • Being angry

      • Lashing out

    • Complete the process by saying:

      • I’m sorry

      • Please forgive me

      • Thank you, thank you, thank you

      • I love you.

  7. Take a step back. Without getting in the weeds and the “reality,” I took a step back and had the image of a playground fight. The hurt little boy was fighting on the playground. I wrapped the boy in a blanket of love and held him as we rocked together until I could feel the energy ease.

  8. New perspective. I noticed that a little boy inside of Putin was hurting and boiling like a volcano. When I asked what to do, I was given the image of a gentle rain to cool him down. So, I watched as the rain fell. I just observed.

  9. Expand the energy. I imagined Ukraine unfolding and expanding its energy. This went on a few times until Ukraine was able to feel comfortable with this expanded energy.

  10. New idea. An idea popped in to share what I had done and that is what this blog is about.

The end result was that I felt at peace. I’m excited to see how this translates into the world. Yes, it will have an effect. Will it be the end of the conflict? Who knows? What I do know is that my contribution to the world at this moment is to add to the morphic field of peace. After all, what you focus on is what you get. And I’d like to see more peace in the world.

What does this mean for you?

Find your peace. The answer is not found in the drama trauma. It’s only in the peace that a new answer can be found. When you allow the drama trauma to run rampant through you, you are cutting yourself off from possibilities. After all, you only know what you know, and you don’t know what you don’t know. When you let go of the agitation, a new possibility (that you don’t yet know) can present itself and you can fill that space with peace.

Try meditating and following the feeling of peace. See what shows up for you. You can do what I did above, or you can do your own thing. The clue is to step into the feeling of peace. Follow the nudges and see what happens.

When you align with peace, you will be the peace and can spread this as you add to its morphic field. It will begin in your home, in your workplace, and the more people who tap into the peace, the stronger the feeling will be. Be part of the ripple effect.

For more on hand balancing:

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