Judith Joy

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Create Your Future... Reevaluate Your Life in Six Steps

Don’t let your future happen to you.  Create it. One way to do this is to reevaluate what is and choose what you would like it to be.  Then take mini steps toward creating that choice in your reality.

According to John Edwards, a psychic medium, 2023 is the year of reevaluating.  I was watching a podcast interview that he did recently and that got me thinking.  He talks about this year as being a year of accountability when everyone and everything will be questioned and people will be more introspective and philosophical.  In short, reevaluating. 

While this may be true globally, I can only change me.  So, if it is true, how has this shown up in my life so far? 

What would it take for me to really grab hold of this idea, use it to my advantage, and have fun while doing it?

It’s shown up in multiple ways and it’s only a little more than a week into the year.

  • Cleaning out closets and cabinets. It feels so good when I finish each one.  It’s time to let go of things that no longer serve me. I took advantage of the opportunity to send things on their way so that they can be more useful for others.  I wonder what else I’ll be cleaning out and letting go of.

  • Listening to my inner knowing.  My daughter was talking about a new astrologer that she had a reading from.  I jumped all over the feeling that I had to talk with this woman.  The reading was on Saturday, and already I see massive changes. The combination of listening to my inner knowing, trusting it, and leaning into who I truly am designed to be has been amazing.

  • Sharing the astrological reading with my husband.  This has led to honest conversation, me speaking up (a challenge for this lifetime), more touching (my love language), and a much deeper closeness than we’ve ever had...and a whole lot of fun.

  • Observing Damar Hamlin’s accident.  While what happened to this football player is horrible and scary, it is causing people to reevaluate some things.  The outpouring of love and kindness is amazing.  I hope he jumps on the opportunity to spread even more love and kindness.  Will you be riding the wave and cause true, positive change in your life and the world around you?

And for the future...

  • Reevaluating my business.  Thanks to the reading, I have a clearer understanding of my life purpose and I have that deep sense of knowing about it.  Ideas are percolating.  I’m on the right path and just have to fine tune it.

  • Painting.  I’ve been painting for fun.  Recently, people are asking if I’m selling them, giving the paintings rave reviews, or telling me to video my process (including the high vibe parts).  It’s time to pay attention to that deep knowing and choose what to do next.  This is still future because that deep knowing hasn’t hit yet.  I have more releasing to do.

  • Sharing information without the fear of criticism. It’s important to just share.  So, in the future, I’ll be looking at sharing and criticism on a deeper level.  It’s an interesting time to be looking at this.

  •  And more...

So, if this year is about reevaluating, a good place to start is to:

  1. Question yourself about every aspect of your life.

  2. Look at what is in your life, much like I looked at what was in my closets. 

  3. Listen to your inner knowing.  Your gut will give you a feeling or sense that is so subtle it seems to be a whisper.  This is your inner knowing.  It will guide you to a wonderful life if you listen to it.

  4. Choose if that still works for you.  It’s just a choice.

  5. Let go of what no longer works for you.  While it doesn’t work for you, it may work for others.  You don’t have to be others.  You can just be you.

  6. Choose the paradigm that will work for you.  This is when you get to make up the rules that you choose to live by.

Harness the energy of the year.  As John Edwards said, the year will be filled with reevaluating and accountability.  This creates a morphic field (an energy field where a lot of people believe something).  It’s to your advantage to use this morphic field to your benefit.

And remember to have fun.  For fun is the creative energy.  And what you are really doing is creating your future. Enjoy.

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